Posts tagged blogging

A new blog with Sphinx

I recently re-wrote all of the infrastructure for my blog so that it now builds on top of the Sphinx ecosystem! This is a short post to describe the reasons for doing so, and a bit about the implementation.

This is a great question. The answer to “should you re-work your blog to use a new SSG” is almost always “no, it’s a waste of your time”, but I think I had a few good reasons ;-)

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Adding copy buttons to code blocks in Sphinx

NOTE: This is now a sphinx extension! Thanks to some friendly suggestions, I’ve written this up as a super tiny sphinx extension. Check it out here:

Sphinx is a fantastic way to build documentation for your Python package. On the Jupyter project, we use it for almost all of our repositories.

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Blogging with Jupyter Notebooks and Jekyll using nbconvert templates

Here’s a quick (and hopefully helpful) post for those wishing to blog in Jekyll using Jupyter notebooks. As some of you may know, nbconvert can easily convert your .ipynb files to markdown, which Jekyll can easily turn into blog posts for you.

However, an annoying part of this is that Markdown doesn’t include classes for input and outputs, which means they each get treated the same in the output. Not ideal.

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