This page lists some major publications I have been involved with. It is generated automatically via the ORCID API. Here’s a blog post describing the approach I use for this.
- 👉 ORCID page:
- 👉 Google Scholar page
- Zheng, W., Perez, F., Holdgraf, C., Snow, T., Grigsby, S., Sapienza, F., Sundell, E., Siegfried, M., Taylor, J., & Community, E. B. (2023). Jupyter Book-based Supplemental Material: a FAIR Practice to Connect Research Articles with Scientific Data. 10.22541/essoar.170365259.97416177/v1
- DuPre, E., Holdgraf, C., Karakuzu, A., Tetrel, L., Bellec, P., Stikov, N., & Poline, J.-B. (2022). Beyond advertising: New infrastructures for publishing integrated research objects. PLOS Computational Biology, 18(1), e1009651. 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009651
- Rokem, A., Dichter, B., Holdgraf, C., & Ghosh, S. S. (2021). Pan-neuro: interactive computing at scale with BRAIN datasets. 10.31219/
- Gentemann, C. L., Holdgraf, C., Abernathey, R., Crichton, D., Colliander, J., Kearns, E. J., Panda, Y., & Signell, R. P. (2021). Science Storms the Cloud. AGU Advances, 2(2). 10.1029/2020av000354
- Appelhoff, S., Sanderson, M., Brooks, T., van Vliet, M., Quentin, R., Holdgraf, C., Chaumon, M., Mikulan, E., Tavabi, K., Höchenberger, R., Welke, D., Brunner, C., Rockhill, A., Larson, E., Gramfort, A., & Jas, M. (2019). MNE-BIDS: Organizing electrophysiological data into the BIDS format and facilitating their analysis. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(44), 1896. 10.21105/joss.01896