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matplotlib.pyplot.cycler(*args, **kwargs)

Create a new Cycler object from a single positional argument, a pair of positional arguments, or the combination of keyword arguments.

cycler(arg) cycler(label1=itr1[, label2=iter2[, …]]) cycler(label, itr)

Form 1 simply copies a given Cycler object.

Form 2 composes a Cycler as an inner product of the pairs of keyword arguments. In other words, all of the iterables are cycled simultaneously, as if through zip().

Form 3 creates a Cycler from a label and an iterable. This is useful for when the label cannot be a keyword argument (e.g., an integer or a name that has a space in it).


arg : Cycler

Copy constructor for Cycler (does a shallow copy of iterables).

label : name

The property key. In the 2-arg form of the function, the label can be any hashable object. In the keyword argument form of the function, it must be a valid python identifier.

itr : iterable

Finite length iterable of the property values. Can be a single-property Cycler that would be like a key change, but as a shallow copy.


cycler : Cycler

New Cycler for the given property