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class matplotlib.patches.ConnectionStyle

ConnectionStyle is a container class which defines several connectionstyle classes, which is used to create a path between two points. These are mainly used with FancyArrowPatch.

A connectionstyle object can be either created as:



ConnectionStyle("Arc3", rad=0.2)


ConnectionStyle("Arc3, rad=0.2")

The following classes are defined

Class Name Attrs
Angle angle angleA=90,angleB=0,rad=0.0
Angle3 angle3 angleA=90,angleB=0
Arc arc angleA=0,angleB=0,armA=None,armB=None,rad=0.0
Arc3 arc3 rad=0.0
Bar bar armA=0.0,armB=0.0,fraction=0.3,angle=None

An instance of any connection style class is an callable object, whose call signature is:

__call__(self, posA, posB,
         patchA=None, patchB=None,
         shrinkA=2., shrinkB=2.)

and it returns a Path instance. posA and posB are tuples of x,y coordinates of the two points to be connected. patchA (or patchB) is given, the returned path is clipped so that it start (or end) from the boundary of the patch. The path is further shrunk by shrinkA (or shrinkB) which is given in points.

return the instance of the subclass with the given style name.

class Angle(angleA=90, angleB=0, rad=0.0)

Creates a picewise continuous quadratic bezier path between two points. The path has a one passing-through point placed at the intersecting point of two lines which crosses the start (or end) point and has a angle of angleA (or angleB). The connecting edges are rounded with rad.

starting angle of the path
ending angle of the path
rounding radius of the edge
connect(posA, posB)
class Angle3(angleA=90, angleB=0)

Creates a simple quadratic bezier curve between two points. The middle control points is placed at the intersecting point of two lines which crosses the start (or end) point and has a angle of angleA (or angleB).

starting angle of the path
ending angle of the path
connect(posA, posB)
class Arc(angleA=0, angleB=0, armA=None, armB=None, rad=0.0)

Creates a picewise continuous quadratic bezier path between two points. The path can have two passing-through points, a point placed at the distance of armA and angle of angleA from point A, another point with respect to point B. The edges are rounded with rad.

angleA :
starting angle of the path
angleB :
ending angle of the path
armA :
length of the starting arm
armB :
length of the ending arm
rad :
rounding radius of the edges
connect(posA, posB)
class Arc3(rad=0.0)

Creates a simple quadratic bezier curve between two points. The curve is created so that the middle control point (C1) is located at the same distance from the start (C0) and end points(C2) and the distance of the C1 to the line connecting C0-C2 is rad times the distance of C0-C2.

curvature of the curve.
connect(posA, posB)
class Bar(armA=0.0, armB=0.0, fraction=0.3, angle=None)

A line with angle between A and B with armA and armB. One of the arms is extended so that they are connected in a right angle. The length of armA is determined by (armA + fraction x AB distance). Same for armB.


armA : float

minimum length of armA

armB : float

minimum length of armB

fraction : float

a fraction of the distance between two points that will be added to armA and armB.

angle : float or None

angle of the connecting line (if None, parallel to A and B)

connect(posA, posB)