(*args, **kwargs)¶MovieWriter
for writing to individual files and stitching at the end.
This must be sub-classed to be useful.
(*args, **kwargs)¶Methods
__init__ (*args, **kwargs) |
bin_path () |
Returns the binary path to the commandline tool used by a specific subclass. |
cleanup () |
finish () |
grab_frame (**savefig_kwargs) |
Grab the image information from the figure and save as a movie frame. |
isAvailable () |
Check to see if a MovieWriter subclass is actually available by running the commandline tool. |
saving (fig, outfile, dpi, *args, **kwargs) |
Context manager to facilitate writing the movie file. |
setup (fig, outfile[, dpi, frame_prefix, …]) |
Perform setup for writing the movie file. |
frame_format |
Format (png, jpeg, etc.) to use for saving the frames, which can be decided by the individual subclasses. |
frame_size |
A tuple (width, height) in pixels of a movie frame. |
¶Format (png, jpeg, etc.) to use for saving the frames, which can be decided by the individual subclasses.
(**savefig_kwargs)¶Grab the image information from the figure and save as a movie frame.
All keyword arguments in savefig_kwargs are passed on to the savefig
command that saves the figure.
(fig, outfile, dpi=None, frame_prefix='_tmp', clear_temp=True)¶Perform setup for writing the movie file.
Parameters: | fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
outfile : str
dpi : number, optional
frame_prefix : str, optional
clear_temp : bool, optional