--- html_theme.sidebar_secondary.remove: true --- # Chris Holdgraf - about me I'm the Executive Director of [2i2c - the International Interactive Computing Collaboration](https://2i2c.org), a non-profit dedicated to open source infrastructure for interactive computing in research and education. I also work extensively with [Project Jupyter](https://jupyter.org), particularly [the Binder Project](https://mybinder.org) and [Jupyter Book](https://jupyterbook.org). ::::{grid} :::{grid-item-card} :link: about About me ℹī¸ ::: :::{grid-item-card} :link: projects Projects I've worked on 🔧 ::: :::{grid-item-card} :link: blog My blog ✍ī¸ ::: :::: ## Recent blog posts ```{postlist} :date: "%Y-%m-%d" :format: "{title} - {date}" :excerpts: ``` ```{toctree} :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: about projects publications talks blog ```